


Eight years old is a big one for us. It means you can be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Layna had been waiting for this day for a long, long time. It was lovely. Everything went according to plan, from the designer cookies to the dress to the feeling that was there.


Layna and I went on an outing to pick out material and a pattern so I could make her baptism dress. She actually wasn’t too picky; feeling all the fuzzy blanket material was way more fun than having to choose just one for a dress. We managed and she had fun with the eyelets. The end result made her so happy, it was awesome.


I learned a lot making this dress, and am so happy she was happy.


Neil is the center of her world. And I’m pretty sure she is his favorite 8 year old. I truly don’t mind that it is no secret that she prefers her dad, hands down, to me. Every girl should be loved like he loves her. She calls him “Dai-ya” and I’ll be so sad if she ever stops.


One thing I really appreciate about my children is their ability to celebrate other people. They had so much fun making the day amazing for their sister and it was genuine…The spotlight can be on someone else and that’s ok. They love each other fiercely and I’m curious to see how that deepens and matures as they grow older.


The event went off without a hitch. Garyn spoke about baptism and while he was worried that he talked to fast and that his talk was too short, he really set the tone for the whole day. He loves his little sisters and they him. After the service we had a lunch ready for everyone who could stay. I’m pretty sure the cookies were the star attraction.


(Sorry the lighting was terrible when I took the cookie picture. It really doesn’t do them justice). Girl table and Boy table. Naturally. 85 year olds absolutely have a place at the boys table.

8 years ago we had no idea if she would be ready for this. We didn’t know if she would be able to even communicate to us if she understood what this all means. I know that she doesn’t understand complexities and nuance of sin and forgiveness, but she doesn’t need to. She knows that Jesus and Heavenly Father want her to be baptized and so that’s what she wanted to do. We are so proud of her and who she is becoming.