Snow Day

Snow Day


It happened. A miracle. Something that will reinforce in my head the value of complaining and whining in order to bring about some event. Apparently bellyaching enough will pay off eventually.

We got an inch of snow this week. It rained all Wednesday and overnight the temperature dropped enough that we woke up to perfect snow cover. Thursday was declared an official snow day in our home school and we properly seized the day for the whole 3 hours that the snow lasted. Seminary was conducted online so we could lounge about and play. Tatanka about lost her mind. She has seen snow before but not nearly enough for it to become commonplace for her. It was lovely and I know I will never get tired of living in a place where this is even possible.

Snow Day
Snow Day
Snow Day
Snow Day
Snow Day
Snow Day
Snow Day
Snow Day
Snow Day
Snow Day
Snow Day
Snow Day
Snow Day
Snow Day
Snow Day
Snow Day
Snow Day

Fire, Hot Chocolate, and warm oatmeal cinnamon raisin muffins were waiting for the snow bunnies when they got cold. The cows and goats tolerated the weather with the long-suffering of their respective species. I know they wondered what all the fuss was about.