Firstly, the birthday girl loves a show called “The Dragon Prince” on Netflix. Well, we all love it. This was the theme she chose for her birthday party, because this my friends, is a little-girl-friend-birthday-party-year. So the above triangle pastry things are called Jelly Tarts and they are one of the protagonist’s favorite treats. The kids got them as a party favor after recovering them in a treasure hunt. However, that is getting ahead of my self a bit.
Secondly, I’m getting better at parties. I’ve realized that games/activities are fun and will 100% take about half the time I think they will, but that doesn’t matter because really all the kids actually want to do is run around and play. We did bubbles and balloons and a treasure hunt. Then when we got through presents and cake we still had a solid 15 minutes of time left. It was perfect…the older kids went outside to light stuff on fire and work on the tree house and pet cows and the littler ones played. Layna got to work on her presents. She had a great time and we are hanging up her party planning clipboard until we are ready for the big 1-2.
I was serious about the clipboard. And can I just say, Old Lady Slippers for The Win!
The character who likes Jelly Tarts has a pet glow toad named Bait. Well, Bait stole our Jelly Tarts but we found them!
The whole thing was nice. Simple and easy but we did all of Layna’s favorite things that she wanted for her big day. Next week’s post will be all about the rest of the celebration for her making it to a decade. And the cake…lots of pictures of the cake.