Did you know I come from a long line of flower growers? I have several grandfathers who raised flowers as a serious hobby. It took me a while to start to be interested in something that doesn’t actually have practical value, but I came around. It was when we were getting ready for our wedding and I had to talk to the florist about my bouquet that I found out my favorite flower. I love orchids. They are my favorite. Funny thing about orchids…there are about eleventy billion varieties. Neil bought me a live one for the Valentine’s Day the year we moved here and I drove across the country with it on my lap. It lives on my kitchen window sill. This year Neil bought me some mini orchids to add to my collection. I potted them in an old teacup we found in the woods, a crystal syrup thing that belonged to my great-grandma, and a tall glass that he also found in our woods. I’ve been learning a lot about caring for them, and I finally replanted my big one. It is so much happier now…so much so it has new blossoms for the first time in 5 years! Squee! Once a week I water them in the sink and so far so good. One still has all its blossoms, one has lost them all but the stalk is still healthy and one had to have the stalk cut, but all of them are very healthy.
There are other things healthy and growing around these parts. The garden wall is almost done, then rescue phase two commences. We’ve got berries on all seven of our blueberry plants. Our apples are carrying more fruit than I’ve ever seen and there are several trees that set fruit for the first time. That goes for a few of our pear trees…first time with fruit and I can’t wait. The lemon tree is exploding with blossoms and I pretty much have to stick my face in the middle of them every time I go past because the blossoms smell soooo good. It’s the law. A pawpaw i moved after planting it initially (causing me to believe that it would never bear fruit ever…had flowers that I hand pollinated. We probably have 20 pawpaws happening on just that one tree. The more established tree that wasn’t set back, has about twice that. Irises my friend gifted me last fall popped, and can we also talk about my roses? The mistake rose decided to wake up with a vengeance and its tiny little cabbage roses are delicate and perfect. The climber in our front planter triples its open blossoms at least every few days and I stupid grin every time I walk out of the front door. Sigh. I love my life.