


Summer hit. So we got in the water. And played with mermaid hair. Popsicles are had, boogie boards ridden, and Neil bought his first boat. Well…3 rafts and a whole bunch of life vests on the pretense of taking the boys in our ward down the local river. But his first boat(s), nonetheless. Water is our very good friend and it’s making for a lovely summer.

water fun
water fun
water fun
water fun
water fun

When one buys a boat, one must make sure it is sea worthy. We tested one of the three in the local lake and it was a rousing success. Neil and Garyn will be joining 13 other guys and going on a river camping trip in about 2 weeks.

water fun
water fun
water fun
water fun
water fun
water fun

Luckily we have our own pool. It isn’t a permanant fixture and gets taken down in late August. But while it’s up it serves well for day to day cooling off. Also luckily we know people with access to bigger ergo fancier pools and they let us come play. Garyn is happy to express his gratitude in water taxi runs with his little cousins.

water fun
water fun
water fun
water fun
water fun
water fun
water fun
water fun
water fun
water fun
water fun
water fun

We have only been to the beach once this season. Disney World kind of took up two of our June weekends…not that anyone regrets that trade off. It felt good to make it out to the coast. Everyone is improving in the boogie board department and the only drama we had was realizing that salt water and bright, weird hair dye don’t play well together. I looked like I was bleeding purple profusely from a head wound. My hair has since stabilized, but my, was that a learning experience.

We have one week before school starts for the girls, but there is another beach day on the calendar, lots of swimming in our pool and an epic raft trip coming up. Water gets to stay for a nice long while yet.