First order of business: yesterday was the sickest I’ve been in a long while. It was for sure the sickest we have ever been collectively as a family. I’ll spare you the graphic details but you know it’s bad when you have a rotation system for swapping out puke bowls between three people and it’s understood that at least one bathroom must be open at all times. I’m thinking we picked up a 24 hour stomach bug from a play group that hit Layna first on Thursday and then proceeded to work it’s way through the rest of us. It is short lived, thank goodness…but Garyn has been asleep on the couch for most of today and we are barely starting to think about eating again. That, my friends, is why this post is rolling out on a Sunday and not Saturday night.
Second order of business: Do you like my Easter Creche? I have tons of nativity sets for Christmas but as I work on focusing more on Easter this seemed a brilliant place to start. I ordered one online, and it came with a horrific paint job. I did the best I could to fix it and I might mess with it more next year, but I think this is a great first for my future Easter set collection.
Third order of business: Did you have a good Easter? We did. The bunny bread was so awful looking I didn’t even take a picture, but it made delicious bread pudding a few days later. I dropped all the eggs the night before the egg hunt so naturally we were missing one, but the kids loved their Easter baskets and declared the hunt a success. I missed my mom something fierce at the family dinner (she always did Easter to the nines) but for the first time in forever, I feel like I actually had a solid conversation with my sister in law which was glorious.
I’m thinking that’s my Easter take away this year…life is a hot mess. But because of Him there are so many silver linings that take the edge off. Reasons to celebrate life and the joy of being alive are always there in the midst of all the hurt and hard and mess. Sometimes the silver linings are so small you almost miss them…but there is a whole lot of might and power in each of those tiny blessings.
I’m a sucker for the newest and weirdest egg dying kits. This year: colored foam that you roll the eggs in. It actually was pretty cool. Also I’m a sucker for the weird effects my photo app will randomly suggest for my pictures…I kind of dig how this one of Garyn turned out. I appreciate so much that my kids love Easter egg hunts and that we can laugh about the token “last lost egg” that we seem to have every year. (It was Layna’s and she didn’t care that I found it in my room…she just wanted her jelly beans, thank you very much.)
First attempt at making hot cross buns. I learned that traditionally these are meant to be eaten on Good Friday for all the symbolism and such but they really made a splendid Easter morning breakfast. I’m thinking this is my new go-to Easter Sunday thing. And anytime I let the kids do their own frosting I get major mom brownie points.
One of the best things about being a mom of girls is that for every holiday, my nails (fingers and toes) are always on point.
Sunday morning, the first rose of the season popped (obviously my rose bush knew what day it was). Right now I’m battling an infestation of rose midges that are threatening the rest of the blooms. But for one glorious moment, my rose bush gave me a tiny perfect miracle…like all the ones My Savior makes possible everyday.