Pruning. Again.

Pruning. Again.


There is an inverse relationship between blog post detail/length and how tired I am. I’m really, really tired. We worked hard today finishing up some farm projects that I’ll share sometime soon. For now, this is going to be short and actually quite sweet. Because Corra is sweet and the most interesting part of this post is her.


As you probably know, pruning of trees and other perennials like roses is an annual chore that has to be done for the productivity and health of the plant. My orchard just keeps growing so I could no longer pretend that I don’t need a ladder to keep my trees trimmed and thriving. Luckily, laziness won again and there was already a ladder in the orchard from when we harvested apples and pears. You know, back in September. I climbed and trimmed and finally my trees look respectable again. Not a moment to soon. We have had a crazy warm, wet winter (and it’s wreaking havoc with my goats and parasites) so my moonglow pears and gala apple have woken up and are starting to bud. The climbing rose that decorates our front porch was looking atrocious as well, so I hacked and cut and clipped. It’s looking quite bare, but I know that in a few months it will explode. Last year the first rose opened on Easter. Lovely. Corra decided to be my helper and collect all the trimmed branches. She brought them to the porch swing and both she and Layna have spent hours whittling them down. My porch is now a mess, but happy monkeys out in fresh air is totally worth it.