It’s over. Our homeschool co-op that we held with other families homeschooling at least one kid with Down Syndrome has ended for the summer. Next year it will look different and that’s ok. It was an amazing experience to teach these human beings. Teaching and working with them also helped me explore some very interesting places in my head. The biggest take away among many: I would absolutely love to work with kids like Layna more. It fed my soul in surprising ways and I discovered that I’m very good at it. Not sure how that will come into play in my future, but I’ll make sure it does somehow. It was also kind of intense. I’m looking forward to…not a more free schedule…but a different kind of busy. I have a feeling summer is going to race by and I’ll be writing about the start of a new school year basically tomorrow.
Just like last semester each class featured a theme. I love a good theme, as you know, and had fun coming up with a snack, craft, and activity for each. Sprinkled in were some different activities like a Zoo Day, a class held at a friend’s house and the “end of year party” at the lake. We had some families stop coming and new families join the fun. The moms I worked with were delightful and I’m looking forward to many more years with these ladies as we sort out life for our sweet babies and their extra chromosomes.
Corra joined for a few of the days and the whole family (minus Garyn who had work) came for lake day. On the whole though, Corra prefered to stay home with Neil and do “Maker Class”. Not sure what next year will look like for her, but we will make it all work.
I’ve learned a lot about Layna this year. For example, she loves playing with friends and having new adventures aaaannndd is completely done after an hour. Especially if there is walking involved. She likes having friends of her own, but only really needs to see them once or twice a month to be perfectly content. I’m grateful to know all of this as it will help me structure next year to be even better. And the year after, when Corra starts middle school at Naomi’s school…I’ll have a much better idea of which options will be best for her. But for now…we summer!