The older 50% of my offspring have had a very busy finish to the school year. Often my blog posts tend to focus on family stuff or little girl stuff (since I’m around to take pictures of their entire lives). But the big ones are doing a ton…So I thought an update post at the end of the school year was in order. There are awards, new hair, a new girlfriend for the boy (?!), yet under all this growing up is my same fun loving boy and independent, woman-in-training girl.
First the celebratory ice cream shot:
Then the girl…
Naomi had been wanting to shave the side of her head for a long time and I finally gave in. She grew it out long enough to then go super short to a swept-over pixie. Every length in the process has been her favorite. This year also ushered in the era of having two eligible kids for stake dances…the first being a formal dance. I saved the prom and homecoming dresses my mom had made for my sisters and this maroon one was perfect. Aside from a bit of boy drama, she decided she is a fan of dances. We discovered tech crew and theater, as you know from the post about Matilda, but she also took a class in Forensic Science first semester. At the end of the year awards ceremony she was given the top academic award for Forensic Science. Exploring with Corra and spending time in the water (any water) are some of the only things that will get her to stop reading on the couch. I don’t mind…being unable to keep her in books is a good problem to have.
And now, the boy.
Garyn has been growing his hair out for a while and decided to go full viking. We are maintaining the super short sides and the top is long enough now that he usually just pulls it back into a ponytail. I never realized how much I took for granted knowing how to put my hair in a pony tail…until I watched him try to learn. I couldn’t ask for a better big brother who is always down for something crazy. He let Layna paint his nails the night before prom and she was over the moon (he took it off before the night was over, but still…everyone had a ton of fun). Speaking of, about 2 weeks before Prom he decided to ask his friend Catherine. I had to make him a vest and he had to buy a suit but it all came together. Catherine is a great fit for him and I like her. She beats Garyn at chess and plays Minecraft. Enough said. Prom was super fun and slowly they decided to make it official. They have a great time hanging out with her family or hanging out with us (as I type Catherine and her sister ((Sam, cute girl who finished 8th grade just like Naomi)) are watching The Empire Strikes Back with us for movie night). Earlier today they joined us for a Youth Lake Day…so fun and I’m more sunburned than I want to admit. Anyways, Garyn got an award for top Art student and he is still part fish. Chick-Fil-A is no longer dictating his schedule, so hopefully there will be lots of time for swimming this summer. His little sisters adore him and I appreciate how much he loves them and loves being their brother. He has learned how to take care of each of them and is quick to jump in and do just that.
It has been fascinating to watch how Neil’s relationship with each big one has shifted as they get older. He and Garyn are work-out buddies and they spend hours geeking out over video games and car stuff and anime. Naomi has joined them in the anime geeking and has enjoyed spending one on one time with Neil as they go get allergy shots together. He is exactly what they need him to be and it makes me so happy to watch. Love him so much.