Garden Update

Garden Update


Time for another big ole’ boring garden update and show’n’tell. This year we tried potatoes again with great success and the girls pulled so many carrots even I’m starting to be maxed out! That’s saying something…I love carrots. This was the first year I’ve ever managed to grow onions that actually had a fully formed bulb [pats self on the back] and the corn is still growing (despite two different goat events. Ahem.) Also. I have a confession. I’m finally ready to admit that I only grow radishes for the token “handful” picture. It’s so perfectly, quintessentially garden that I can’t resist. No one around here really loves eating them. Except the rabbits.
We are waiting for black and blue berries to really hit…should be any day now. Pears set beautifully and it should be a decent apple year. Figs got hit hard by a late frost but it’s ok…Corra will eat them all and I can forgo making jam this year. We still have lots from last year to go through. The cucumbers and zucchini are doing ok but I’m failing to adequately beat back the weeds. Also, can I just say how much I love flowers? Thank you. I love flowers so much!!!

Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update
Garden Update