


Once upon a time (September of last year) Neil and I embarked on a very interesting experiment. As is often the case with experiments we learned a lot of things. Lessons too wonderful and awful and numerous to convey adequately (also the lessons had no pictures, so what is even the point in telling you, really?). But these lessons were so, so good and we grew so much. Alas the experiment had to come to an end and we needed to change course. Neil entered a job hunt. Now this was extra funsies because he hadn’t had to look for a job in over 15 years. Linkdin wasn’t really a thing back then. I’ll spare you the sordid details of looking for a high-level tech job in a terrible job market with no knowledge of the secret nuances the tech giants operate under. TL:DR> He got an offer from a company called Grammarly, which he accepted.

Well, he needed a new home office. We made it happen and it’s been fabulous. We are discovering the magic perks that go along with working for a large, established company vs. a cash strapped start up…like “Hi and Welcome!” swag that is actually awesome. Or sending an extra laptop because the first one wasn’t up to snuff. Granted, the on-boarding process included hours upon hours of mind numbing culture training, but turns out my husband is a nice guy so it wasn’t so bad. He’s been in and functional for over three months and loving it. The way it works is that he is home full-time, except for week long On-Sites every 8-12 weeks or so. The San Francisco office hosted his first On-Site experience and it went really well. Good food, good people, and even a Mario Kart tournament to round out the week. (Said tournament may have been the tipping point for us getting our own Switch…maybe…)
The team is kicking around going to Berlin next year. I just need to figure out how to tag along and brush-up my non-existent German skills!


I forgot how much I miss him when he travels for work. The kids and I passed the week getting our normal stuff done and finally it was time to go pick him up from the airport. We celebrated him coming home and the kids day off of school by going out to lunch.
This post is almost a week late, because last weekend my laptop was dropped and finally gave up the ghost. I’m typing on my new spiffy laptop. But that was only the middle item in a long list of things that have broken or gone terribly wrong over the last few weeks. The way we figure it, Heavenly Father was just holding back the catastrophes until Neil was settled in a job that could absorb the shocks without too much difficulty. It’s like He didn’t want me to have a nervous breakdown or something. Anyways, Neil is happy being a Grammarlian (that’s a thing) and it’s nice to be finding our new normal.