Fall Recap

Fall Recap


I’m adorable. I tell people (including myself) that I arrange my school year such that we can take December off. I fully believe that we will enter the holiday season peacefully and with a serenity befitting the most classic nativity scenes in my Christmas picture book collection. Yeah. I’m adorable. Happy chaos and lots of moving parts are much more the order of the day despite my attempts to make it otherwise. Oh well, I’m rolling with the crazy and laughing at myself and how I still forget how my life actually works.
In honor of Fall ending in less than two weeks I wanted to recap a few loves that didn’t really fit in any other posts…

Purple sweet potato pie. I may have shown you before but it was too fun to not show again. Snake friend that moved in when spider season wound down. It also was stealing my eggs, so more frienemy? The last flowers of the season and my still living hive! They are bedded in for the winter but on warmer days they are out and about…did I mention they are still alive?! Few things about my appearance: bangs again. Love them. And glasses for the first time in my life! I only need them when my eyes get too tired to focus, but I actually really like them. Sometimes school looks like bringing all the stuffies we own downstairs and reading to them. Neil bought himself a new car. I was planning on taking better pictures but never did and now it’s pouring rain so this is what you get. It’s cute and sporty and stick shift…which means I’m learning brand new skills. Sigh. Naomi and Layna and I made ridiculous amounts of cinnamon rolls for a church fundraiser. It was a specatular success and I’m so glad it’s over. I now know how many dozens of cinnamon rolls I can make in a day. Too many. Last big news…We are officially going to Denmark next year! This will come as a surprise to no one, but we are soooooooo excited. There will probably be quite a few posts about that adventure when we get to it. Hope the last few days of your Fall season are cold and filled with straggling leaves and Christmas lights. I’m making pumpkin everything, interspersed with dark chocolate and mint. Life is good.

Fall recap
Fall recap
Fall recap
Fall recap
Fall recap
Fall recap
Fall recap
Fall recap
Fall recap
Fall recap
Fall recap
Fall recap
Fall recap
Fall recap
Fall recap