Beehive Update

Beehive Update


Sorry if you are not as enamored of my bees as I am. Double sorry if you are solidly over any interest in me not killing my bees over the winter. I’m talking about them again tonight. Especially since today I enlisted some help in the photography department from my co-beekeeper. Well, since discovering the severe allergy he’s more a beekeeper (in name only) buddy. One last sorry…sorry my smiles are so weirdly forced. I blame the keeper veil.

Beehive Update
Beehive Update
Beehive Update
Beehive Update
Beehive Update
Beehive Update
Beehive Update

I use our extra hive bodies for a place to put frames as I work through the boxes to look for stuff. The biggest objective is to either see the Queen (did not see her today) or to see eggs (did see eggs). We saw lots of brood in various stages and lots of honey stores too. Overall everything is looking fantastic. There are definitly small hive beetles which make me nervous given that an infestation of them killed off one of my hives last year.
I’ve got ideas to keep all that mess in check. I’ll need to see about treating for varoa mites this month too. But the fun part is that we can put a honey super on at the end of the month shooting for a mid-june honey harvest. It might happen, people! I might become an official beekeeper in a few months! Squee!