Denmark Misc.

Denmark Misc.


Last Denmark post. It’s weird to think that it was over a month ago and the next few weeks are still going to mostly be me catching up. Life is moving pretty fast and I’ll do my best to drink in every second. Don’t worry, my hands are covered in pink paint smudges, I’ve got saw dust in my braid, and my house is still a catastrophe…I’m living it up alright.
Tonight I want to tell you about all the in-between places and things we loved.
There were tons of metro, train, and bus rides. My kids are now pros at public transportation. Can I tell you how cool I think my Naomi is? We were chatting about possible souvenirs and she wasn’t super excited until I told her we could go to a thrift store and she could look for shoes and clothes. Her eyes lit up. So we made sure to check out a thrift store in a stop-over town. Also made a great lunch stop. Then we made it to our Holiday House in Billund. There was a super cool obstacle course and climbing tower which Garyn scaled.They also had a tiny train which we rode up to the main building and back everyday. Next was the indoor water park which was universally loved. We all tried a sauna for the first time too! Me and my desert baby (Naomi) were the only ones who liked it. Corra did the jump thing as one of her souvenirs. Then that was it and we were on our way back to Copenhagen to finish out the adventure.

Denmark Misc
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Denmark Misc
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Denmark Misc

P.s. We couldnt’ leave without one more round of Danishes. not that they are called that, naturally.