This Family

This Family


My oldest baby becomes a legal adult today. It killed me that I wouldn’t be there on Garyn’s actual birthday to do all the little stuff. Like make cupcakes. Or ensure that there would be balloons. The big stuff was taken care of before he left: out to lunch with me, I gave him his significant birthday presents, Denmark. I was sad that on his actual day I didn’t know what would be there to make it special…I shouldn’t have worried. He is at Lagoon with a buddy after said buddy gave him a super cool birthday present a 12:01 this morning. My baby is good. He is being well looked after.

Today’s post is short and sweet. Before Garyn left, I asked my very talented sister to snap some family pictures for us. I do new family pictures every year in the summer. I don’t think I’ve paid a professional since Garyn was a baby because my mom usually took them. I’ve been blessed to have friends or family be able to fill in on this ritual that is so important to me. In our front room we have gallery wall, and I take the updated family pictures plus pictures from the previous year and replace the old ones on display. Can I just say, it is so much fun having beautiful, photogenic offspring and a hot husband? Art, I tell you. Ready made and all I have to do is print my favorites (choosing just a handful is sooooo hard).

Family Pictures
Family Pictures
Family Pictures
Family Pictures
Family Pictures
Family Pictures
Family Pictures

Oh, these humans of mine. My children are 100% here for the goofy photo op. In fact it’s the key to getting good pictures…
“If you just smile nicely, we can do a crazy picture!”
All four of them also live for the drama (especially Layna).

Oh, this husband of mine. I couldn’t do any of it without him. A leader at church recently asked him if I still wanted to be married to him. He laughed and said that he’s always telling me I’m stuck with him. And then he told the leader that I seem pretty happy about that fact.
I am. There really aren’t words for how happy I am that we are stuck together for the rest of forever.