First Day of School

First Day of School


I know. Weird cover image, right? Well it was my lunch on our “we can go out to lunch whenever we want now that all our kids are in school all day” date and it was delicious. Yes my friends, it happened. Three days and a weekend late, but school did actually start. Pictures first then the words.

first day
first day
first day
first day
first day
first day
first day

I cried on the drive home after dropping them off. I had a major melt down Wednesday night. But none of these tears were sad. They were more just from “big” emotions. Overall, it was a resounding success. Now for a bit of detail:
Naomi is loving her classes. Creative writing with a teacher who can help her form and shape her raw passion and talent for writing. Game design with Garyn’s old esports coach and one of the coolest teachers on campus. First project this week was to develop a brand new game you can play with a normal deck of cards and Naomi’s was brilliant. Adobe illustration/design to build on all the graphic design she already loves doing…first project was a fairy warrior queen holding a blazing sword charging ahead on a chunky hamster…I love my kids so much. And Chemistry with an amazing science teacher. She already loves the math of it and the logical-ness. As a bonus, Naomi’s best friend is in most of her classes. The admins who created the schedules must love Abby and Naomi.
Corra handled it all like a boss. We’ve had lots of clarifying discussions (they are “cuss” words, not “cusp” words. Yes, Natalie can be your BFF AND still want to run away to meet new friends. James is annoying, true, but he’ll get better once he settles in. Be patient.)
She loves her teachers and found that this whole school business wasn’t so bad once she lived through it. Her schedule may change now that they have the results from the placement tests but hopefully she is with the friends shes made. If not, we aren’t worried about her making new ones. She’s fearless like that. The first day was also her birthday and having one whole class wish her a Happy Birthday in unison was pretty awesome. She also got to do her very first middle school homework on the way to silks.
Layna was my most complicated little duckling, as I figured she might be. She has most of her classes online, but she works on them with her EC (Exceptional Student) teacher. Third block she is in a regular life drawing class with a teacher Garyn had his senior year. Ms. Louis-Jean asked Garyn for my number and texted me last weekend to start getting a feel for how it could be having Layna in her class. We’ve been texting a ton, a roller coaster of ideas and emotions all week. But Friday was the first day I didn’t get a text. Layna just brought home some exercises that showed she’s working hard. A huge win. For her English class she had to write a story but elements of the story were dependent on a dice roll. “The Principal” had to be one of her characters, so her teacher had Mr. Simms read the story he was in. He loved it and requested a copy for his bulletin board. Layna couldn’t smile any bigger when she told me. So once we had chats about how she can’t disappear to go find Corra or how her mp3 player will now be living at home because it was too much of a distraction…we are in a good place. Everyday was “Superb” and she can’t wait to go back on Monday.
I moved around the house, crazy busy as usual. But I didn’t feel any guilt about working hard all day because there were no kids to feel like I was neglecting. Neil and I went on a lunch date I’ve been planning for a year. I got a pedicure that I have also been planning for a year. I suppose I will eventually catch up on all the projects I’ve put off over the months. I suppose I might have a day where I decide what I want to be when I grow up. For now, a week into my sabbatical, I’m focusing on going where my guts take me and leaning into what will make me happy in any given moment. Sometimes that’s just hugging my husband and others it’s working on drawing cute notes for the girls’ lunches. You know, things.